Beat The Bell!
We would like to remind all parents/carers about the importance of being in school on time.
We are currently seeing increasing numbers of children routinely arriving late to school each day.
All children should arrive in school between 8:30am and 8:45am to ensure they are settled in class and ready to start lessons by 8:50am.
It is essential that we ensure children arrive at school on time to prevent disruption to your child’s own learning and that of others in the school.
We understand that there may be rare occasions when people may be unavoidably late due to unforeseen circumstances. On these occasions, please make sure that you contact the school office to inform us when you will arrive.
We are required to monitor children’s punctuality and attendance. On-going lateness (after the class register has been taken) is classified as an unauthorised absence and this is contrary to The Education Act.
High levels of unauthorised absences or poor punctuality can result in a referral to the Educational Welfare Service or other agencies which have a duty to investigate further and could result in legal action.
If you are experiencing difficulties with punctuality and would like to talk to us about it, please call the school office to speak to our Family Support Worker Miss Moore.
Please keep in mind that a Breakfast Club is available to children from 8.00am charged at £3 per day or £10 for a full week booking.

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